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41. Real-Time Probing of Nanowire Assembly Kinetics at Air-Water Interface by In situ Synchrotron X-ray Scattering,

Zhen He,† Hui-Jun Jiang,† Long-Long Wu,† Jian-Wei Liu*, Geng Wang, Xiao Wang, Jin-Long Wang, Zhong-Huai Hou, Gang Chen,* and Shu-Hong Yu*,

 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(27), 8130-8134.

42. Nanowire Assemblies for Flexible Electronic Devices: Recent Advances and Perspectives,

Jin-Long Wang†, Muhammad Hassan†, Jian-Wei Liu*, Shu-Hong Yu*,

 Adv.Mater. 2018, 1803430.

43. Stability and Protection of Nanowire Devices in Air,

Zhen He†, Muhammad Hassan†, Huan-Xin Ju, Rui Wang, Jin-Long Wang, Jia-Fu Chen, Jun-Fa Zhu, Jian-Wei Liu*, and Shu-Hong Yu* 

 Nano Res. 2018, 11(6),3353–3361. 

44. Strong and Stiff Silver Nanowire-Chitosan Composite Film Reinforced by Silver-Sulfur Covalent Bonds,

Xiao-Feng Pan, Huai-Ling Gao, Yang Su, Ya-Dong Wu, Xiang-Ying Wang, Tao He, Xiao-Ya Shang, Yang Lu*, Jian-Wei Liu and Shu-Hong Yu*  

Nano Res. 2018, 1,410-419. 

45. Potassium Ion Assisted Synthesis of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Nanobelts for Stable and Flexible Photodetectors,

Bai‐Sheng Zhu,  Zhen He, Ji‐Song Yao, Chen Chen, Kun‐Hua Wang, Hong‐Bin Yao*, Jian-Wei Liu, and Shu-Hong Yu  

Adv. Opt. Mater. 2018, 6,1701029.