

当前位置:homepage  PUBLICATIONS  2016

29. Elastic carbon nanotube aerogel meets tellurium nanowires: a binder- and collector- free electrode for Li–Te batteries,

      Jie Xu,† Sen Xin,† Jian-Wei Liu*, Jin-Long Wang, Yong Lei and Shu-Hong Yu*, 

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 3580–3588.

30. Coiling ultrathin tellurium nanowires into nanorings by Pickering emulsion,
      Ye Yang, Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu*,

 Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 8091-8094.


31. Templating synthesis of ternary PtPdTe nanowires with tunable diameter for methanol electrooxidation,
Jie Xu,† Zhi-Hua Wang,† Hui-Hui Li, Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu*,  

CrystEngComm 2016,18(22), 4038-4041. Invited.

32.Three-dimensional melamine sponge loaded with Au/ceria nanowires for continuous reduction of p-nitrophenol in a consecutive flow system,

     Xiao-Fang Yu, Li-Bo Mao, Jin Ge, Zhi-Long Yu, Jian-Wei Liu*, Shu-Hong Yu*,  

Sci. Bull. 2016, 61(9), 700–705.

33. Recycling Valuable Silver from Waste Generated in Diverse Nanotemplate Reactions,

       Jin-Long Wang, Zhi-Hua Wang, Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu*,  

Sci. China Mater. 2016, 59(7), 538-546.

34. A surfactant-free route to synthesize BaxSr1-xTiO3 nanoparticles at room temperature, their dielectric and microwave absorption properties,
   Qing-Song Wu, Jian-Wei Liu*, Shao-Feng Chen, Guang-Sheng Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*, 

Sci. China Mater. 2016, 59(8), 609-617.

35. Systematic Synthesis of Tellurium Nanostructures and Their Optical Property: From Nanoparticles, to Nanorods, Nanowires, and Nanotubes,

    Jian-Wei Liu‡, Jie Xu‡, Wei Hu‡, Jin-Long Yang*, Shu-Hong Yu*, 

ChemNanoMat 2016, 2(3), 167-170. Back Cover.