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Design of macroscopic-scale nanowire assemblies with different functionalities has attracted a lot of attention. Our group is interested in developing advanced assemble strategy of one-dimensional nanomaterials and exploring their applications in flexible electronics. In recent years, we achieved a serial of results in this research field which are listed as follows: (1) By using the mixture of polar solvent and amphiphilic solvent to optimize the wettability, dispersibility and assembly of nanowires at the interface, we have successfully explored the possibilities for the controlled nanowire assembly strategies. (2) Co-assembly of nanowires with different physical and chemical properties were developed to fabricate flexible nanodevices, including flexible transparent electrodes, flexible trouch-screen, and flexible transparent smart windows, etc.

Jianwei has authored more than 50 journal papers, including Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., JACSAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv Mater, Nano Lett., Adv. Funct. Mater. etc, with more than 2000 citations. Besides, she has authored 3 book chapters. Our results have been highlighted by C&E NewsPhysics World EurekAlertScienceDailyPhys.OrgMaterials Views etc.